Monday, April 2, 2012

A Wife!?!

Well, my hussling last weekend paid off literally.

The customer I met last weekend, at the club, may not have liked the theme night, but I apparently sold him on me. He came in again this weekend to see me. I was a little surprised because he was really good at playing aloof, at first anyway.

This time he came in with a woman and a wedding ring. Yet, he was very open to showing me affection. Right off the bat he gave me a hug and explained he brought his wife this time. I was taken aback, but luckily ready to roll with punches. Another first, I had no clue I had gotten myself into.

The three of us sat at the bar drinking and it was an unusually comfortable experience. Then he explained to me that the two of them had been on a date earlier and the other couple had not added up. Not only married, but swingers too! Woah...

I believe in open relationships because of all the deception I have seen in life, let alone the strip club industry! But I have never seen a couple like this nationwide that actually seemed happy. Sometimes firsts are refreshing!

I gave his wife dances and then gave him dances. What an interesting night to say the least!
His wife told me that he had been talking about me all week. She controls their money so she knew about his trip to Atm last weekend. I was surprised by her openness and honesty, with minimal jealousy!

I wonder what his motives were in bringing her to the club?!?...
He did not scare me away. I like his wife, they seem like a cute couple.

Was he getting the approval of his wife to visit me at work?... Or was I in an interview and was unaware?

Connections are an interesting experience, but rare! Especially when I get the opportunity to be myself, minus my filter!


"I have arrived. I am home my destination is in my every step."

~ Thich Naht Hanh

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